Tuesday 27 October 2015


You are returning from a pleasant evening with your near and dear after an enjoyable dinner and slowly but surely you might start experiencing some discomfort in your tummy that seems to negate the great evening! You start feeling a little later that it would have been better had you had avoided some food which might be the cause for the discomfort.Finally you might be feeling that the pleasure of the evening is taken away with the discomfort you had to cope with for the next few hours, the feeling of fullness, bloating and the gradually raising pain in the tummy that make you restless and miserable.Yes you need to wake up to the reality of having to deal with Indigestion and related symptoms.If these symptoms are recurring regularly then you are very likely to be suffering from INDIGESTION that needs urgent attention.
To be able to fix INDIGESTION you should  know the reasons for your indigestion - Eating too much, eating too fast, eating fatty or spicy foods, alcohol consumption, caffeine, smoking, stress are few of the lifestyle triggers of indigestion.Our digestive system secretes 3 different enzymes to digest a regular combination protein, carbohydrate and fatty food when we consume a regular food. When we consume food that contains higher quantities of any these, the digestive system fails to complete the digestion. When this occurs, the undigested food creates gas in the intestine, heartburn, also the feeling of becoming fullness and bloating.Indigestion if not treated early enough can irritate the lining of your stomach and erode the mucosal lining of your esophagus or stomach.
A healthy and balanced diet is a good way to start with. It will reduce excess acid caused due to indigestion.  Here is a tummy-friendly diet you can follow.
1) Fill up with loads of fiber in your diet. You can get fiber from ample of sources, such as wholemeal bread, brown rice, fruit and veg, beans and oats.
2) Drink plenty of water. Drinking plenty of water will aid in digestion. In fact for the fiber to do its job,water is needed. Without it you will be constipated.
3) Cut down on junk food and greasy food- Fatty foods, such as chips, burgers and fried foods, are difficult to digest and can cause stomach pain and heart burn. Cutting back on greasy fried foods eases your stomach's workload.
Not only will eating these types of foods helps in controlling indigestion, it will help to reduce heartburn too. In addition to that, it will also help to cleanse the body and protect against other diseases as well.
A sure fix to re-train your bowel and normalize the peristalsis is COLON HYDROTHERAPY
Colon hydrotherapy is specially formulated to help you maintain normal, healthy digestion.  The better your digestion, the more nutrition you receive from the foods you eat. Colon hydrotherapy is designed to support the health and balance of the intestinal tract by providing healthy micro flora in combination with diet and supplements such as probiotics.

Monday 12 October 2015

Treatment for abdominal gas/ flatulence (Farting)

Passing gas from the digestive system is referred as flatulence also called farting. There are mainly four reasons for the formation of gas in the digestive system.
The commonest reason for gas in the digestive system is swallowing air during eating or drinking leading to bloating. Sucking on hard sweets or popsicles, drinking carbonated drinks, chewing gums, gulping in food or eating too quickly are the reasons for swallowing air. The oxygen, carbon dioxide and carbon mono oxide in the swallowed air is absorbed, utilized and exhaled respectively. The nitrogen that cannot be absorbed by the body is passed down the digestive tract.  
The second commonest reason is untimely food or irregular food habits which disturbs the circadian rhythms leading to high acid production which in turn lands you into excessive flatulence or bloating.
The third reason in addition to such irregularities is certain foods like lentils, cruciferous vegetables etc. aggravate bloating because of the accumulation of digestive gases such as hydrogen, methane and carbon dioxide. Sweeteners like sorbitol and fructose increases the bloating.
Last but important reason for bloating and flatulence is certain Health conditions  that adds up to the existing bloating problem such as constipation, gastroenteritis, food (lactose) intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome and celiac disease. In most of the above condition the underlying cause is colonization of the GI tract by pathogenic bacteria that produce gas.
Certain medications also add to this condition.
The only long lasting solutions to this flatulence or farting is the COLON HYDROTHERAPY. The cleanse of the colon with a controlled pressure and temperature of water removes most of the accumulated hardened stools, toxic gases and harmful bacteria.
Improved digestive system:
Undigested waste, hardened stool are eliminated from the system. This waste serves a breeding ground for the bacteria producing toxic gases and may lead to illness. These gases are eliminated with the colon hydrotherapy improving the colon health.
Prevents constipation:
The colon hydrotherapy improves gut peristalsis which initiates the bowel movement. This prevention of constipation will minimize the problem of abdominal gas or bloating.
Increased nutrient absorption:
The colon hydrotherapy is a procedure where in the colon is carefully flushed to the deepest folding of the intestines causing the waste removal.

Ultimately the colon hydrotherapy gets us rid of all the unwanted waste and toxic gases from the colon leading to lighter feeling and overall health improvement.

Monday 5 October 2015

                                Treatment on Constipation through Colon Hydrotherapy

We tend to take care of all the major organs of our body such as heart, lungs, kidneys, brain and skin but, we neglect our colon. Being constipated or bloated are so common in our present day stress filled life that we don’t actually understand this as a problem. People tend to suffer with complaints of constipation, bloating, indigestion, gas. We keep trying various modes of treatment but there seems to be no end to it. We don’t realize that the colon is the gateway for our wellness or illness.

“Of all the polite topics of conversation, the state of one’s intestines is never discussed and if at all talked about, it is probably at the bottom of most people’s lists. Let’s face it: Irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, gas, diverticulitis and colon cancer are not the things we like to discuss with ease. And yet, as the old expression goes, death begins in the colon. Don’t believe it? Ask any coroner. Autopsies often reveal colons that are plugged up to 80 percent with waste material.” – Vegetarian Times, March, 1998.

By definition, Constipation is characterized by difficulty or infrequently passing bowel movements or hard stools. Insufficient fiber and liquids in your diet, sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical fitness, ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement are few factors that may cause these symptoms. Also, certain diseases like hypothyroidism, lupus, diabetes, multiple sclerosis can also lead to constipation. It seems to be a mild problem but ignorance can land us into a complicated health disorders. Constipation aggravates the putrefaction by the bacteria and yeast, which release toxic gasses and acids. The released substances cause inflammation and damage the intestinal walls which later enter the blood stream via the intestinal walls causing many ailments. The solution to this is not just laxatives. Once you start taking laxatives your body soon gets accustomed to it and we are forced to either increase the dosage or go for a stronger laxative. Can we hope to have a laxative free permanent solution to these troubles???

Yes, Thanks to a holistic approach to correct the functions of the digestive system with the help of COLON HYDROTHERAPY, diet and changes in lifestyle.

Colon hydrotherapy is the process of cleaning the colon with the help of pure, safe, sterile, filtered water at a controlled pressure, controlled flow and controlled temperature infused gently into the colon by a sterilized rectal nozzle. Unlike enema where there is no control of temperature and water pressure. This entire procedure lasts for about 30 minutes. Colon hydrotherapy helps in removing the toxins and hardened stool from the colon. Colon hydrotherapy works in elimination of harmful bacteria, enhancing the production of SCFA, thus improving the bowel peristalsis which actually reduces constipation

This is a complete hassle free procedure. There is no pain, no odor. Thus with colon irrigation in combination with necessary changes in diet and life style say goodbye to constipation!