Sunday 17 May 2015


I know it really pisses you off when you have to wake up early to go for a walk, but trust me if you can keep aside your sleep and laziness, your brain and body will thank you ! 

Go on , read the benefits of morning walks

1. Heart Healthy benefits:

Regular morning walk has super benefits on your heart. It lowers the LDL cholesterol which is a bad cholesterol and increases HDL cholesterol and protects you heart .

2.Muscular strength: 
It increases the muscle strength by keeping the muscles on regular use. The muscles which benefits the most are calves, hamstrings, glutens, etc. It tones up your muscles and keeps it in shape . It also increases your muscle endurance. That's why people who walk regularly they have more endurance and strength to people who don't walk .
You can tone up your tummy, your bums and arms as-well . 

3. It keeps weight in check 

If you are overweight and obese, a morning walk will be beneficial. A regular morning walk will burn calories as well as it helps in improving metabolism which are both helpful in losing weight .

4. Brain Power : 

A regular morning walk will also improves your brain activity. Walking improves the blood circulation which mean a larger amount of oxygen reaches your brain which can make it active through out the day . A regular morning walking can treat dementia .

5. Prevents osteoporosis, too 
Morning walking will stimulate and strength the bones . keeps the joints health especially for women. 
6. Reduces stress:
As mention above a morning walk will benefit your body as well as your brain., so if the brain is active it controls the stress hormones and your you will feel better.
7. Better sleep :
when you exercise regularly , the brain and body is automatically healthy. The brain maintains a clock , when you get up early you tend to sleep early with a better sleep
8. It boosts your vitamin D levels
Vitamin D which is hard to get it from the food, can be easily obtained from a regular morning walking. In UK the people are less prone to sunlight so the levels of Vitamin D is low in them .  A regular exposer to sun without sun burn can fill your vitamin D levels which is an important factor in bone health and immunity
9. Diabetes and Hypertension:
Exercise burn glucose, burning of glucose results in more utilisation of insulin. This in turn improves blood sugar levels and help diabetes. Morning walking also have a suppressing effect on hypertension. 
10. It makes you happy:
Regular morning walking will realese endorphins , which acts like an anti depressants and when your body is healthy it make you happy !!


If you are suffering from any discomfort ,gas ,bloating, indigestion, then there are some foods which will give you are good effect and there are also some foods which can worsen the condition.
Be calm on your gut and make best food choices .
Many people complain of gas problem and acidity , either from the last night's party or because of late breakfast .
Stomach is your body part, so make sure you dont torture your stomach with bad choices in your meal .
Make sure you are not allergic to any food when you consume it,.
Following is the list of few foods which can go easy on your Gut ,

Good Foods:
1.Yogurt - contains trillions of helpful bacteria which can solve all type of indigestion problems.

2.Lean meat and fish - if your are eating non veg , better to go with lean meat and fish which can go down lot easier that juicy steak.

3.Whole grains.- rich in fiber ,good for your digestion.

4.Bananas- It helps in normal bowel function especially if you re having diarrhoea.

5.Ginger- This spice has been used for thousands of years for treating nausea, morning sickness, bloating, gas and colic

6.Kimchi: fermented korean dish made with cabbage - excellent dish for your gut.

Bad Foods:

Here goes a long list of bad foods which can worsen your condition and have a direct effect on the digestion.
1. High fat and fried foods
2.Chilly pepper.
3.Dairy products - because of lactose, esply in lactose intolerance people.
4.Processed foods
5.Artificial sweetners.

Sunday 10 May 2015



Intake to too much of beans regularly can upset your stomach and can produce gas. Soaking beans before cooking can go easy on stomach and is good for digestibility.

 Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts should never be consumed raw if you are having gas problem. Better to cook it properly before consumption.

 Processed Carbohydrates

Avoid processed carbohydrates as it can worsen the gas problem, because your body is not recognised to the new additives, and harsh ingredients present in the processed foods.


Milk or milk products have to minimised in excessive gas problem especially if your stomach is sensitive towards them. 


Sulphur producing foods like onions and garlic can irritate stomach during gas problem. try to avoid during this condition.

Fizzy Drinks

The fizzy gas inside your cup should give it away -- refined sugar is also hard for our digestive system to recognize (or even find) any nutrients.

Tuesday 5 May 2015


In many ways, the modern lifestyle that a high percentage of society leads today can severely damage our health. We work more, play less and tend to live life in the fast lane. This leads to all kinds of mental illnesses, such as stress and depression, but it also leads to ailments that do not seem serious but can lead to complications a little further down the line. One of those ailments is constipation.
colon or large intestine, is one of the body’s major organs of waste removal (in addition to the lungs, skin kidney and liver) and it’s the  most populated organ of the body which habitats 100 trillion friendly bacteria
The colon is also the third most common site for cancer and colon cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer death.
A clean, healthy colon efficiently eliminates toxins – This is where the health begins in colon………..


The Modern Diet
Today, people tend to eat on the run, meaning that they barely take the time to eat their food let alone digest it. This can cause a lot of problems, from nausea to indigestion, but it rarely causes constipation. Instead, the foods that we eat do that.  Below, you will find some examples of foods that cause constipation so you know what to avoid and how to prevent this digestive problem via your diet.

Junk Foods And Constipation

Many of the foods that cause constipation are those known as junk foods today. They are called this because they literally fill your digestive system with junk, a good percentage of which is retained in the colon thus forming hard faeces that are extremely difficult to pass. This is what causes constipation in the first place. Those foods are high in fat and sugar and are of little nutritional value. The problem is that those foods are easy to prepare or to buy so they fit in well with the modern lifestyle.

Foods To Avoid

 Processed foods are top of the list. This includes bread, ready meals, pizza, burgers and processed meats. Dairy products and eggs are also foods that cause constipation if they are consumed in excess so as long as you limit your consumption to a reasonable level then you can avoid it. Pastries, cakes, pies and confectionary should also be limited  because they tend to contain refined sugars and so can also cause this condition.  

Foods to Include

·  Eat foods high in fibre, like vegetables,fruits,beans,nuts and whole grains, flax seeds and oats ,which sweeps debris from the colon.
·  Chlorophyll found in green foods such as wheatgrass, barley grass, and blue-green algae cleanses and heals the digestive tract.
· Fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir , replenish the friendly bacteria needed for a healthy colon.
·         Drink lots of pure water.

Solving The Problem

Although avoiding foods that cause constipation and eating a lot of fiber is a great start for your body, it may still be necessary to take colon cleansers / Colon Hydrotherapy once in a while. Colon Hydrotherapy  will flush out your system and remove any waste that is left behind. By flushing out all of the waste products, impurities and toxins, you will feel in better health in no time at all. As such, Colon Hydrotherapy  can be just the boost you need to maintain good health and avoid constipation.